
All Poultry All the Time

When I was growing up, we had roast chicken for Shabbat, but we rarely had chicken during the week, unless there were leftovers from the weekend. Chicken was just one of many choices – we ate veal, steak and lamb, too.  Chicken didn’t seem to be as ubiquitous as it is today.

We eat lots of poultry these days.  Whole chicken, chicken parts, chicken cutlets – regular and pounded thin for grilling – ground chicken for meatballs, turkey, boneless turkey breasts, and we eat ground turkey for soups and burgers and meatloaf.  We rarely eat lamb or veal and beef is a once in a while kind of thing.  Lots and lots of chicken in our lives…

In fact, the first dish I ever cooked Yossi when we were dating has become a Siegel/Ringler evergreen dish – Curried Chicken.
